“GIY - Grow It Yourself” Organic Food. Rent a farmland @ just Rs 2/sqft in Benguluru.

In the recent times, more and more are experiencing and reaping the benefits of eating healthy and more and more are excited to try out the new concept of GIY.("Grow It Yourself ") organic produce.
Disgusted by his own unhealthy eating habits.
Whether one likes it or not, the fact remains that everyone is dragged or forced into gobbling up what is available, primarily due to the crazy unavoidable lifestyles. This is changing says Sunil Kumar a post grad (Pharmaceutical Sciences) who could no longer take the unhealthy corporate lifestyle of chasing deadlines and working at odd and late hours.. After all a healthy body is a healthy mind. In fact he says eating chemical/pesticides/junk food is more harmful than the phone addiction.
Idea gladly welcomed.
Sunil’s frustration about finding a way out to his unhealthy lifestyle and his all time passion of growing his own produce; while helping others to an organic way of life through his new Rent Land and GIY concept, received overwhelming support and encouragement from his colleagues and friends.
Advantage Sunil
Coming from an agricultural background was a huge advantage but getting people to think beyond growing on terraces and balconies was a huge challenge. Even more difficult was to make it practical and affordable to attract urbanites to do it themselves.
Sunil started with extensive research, surveys, feasibility studies and the best option was to work in association with farmers, agricultural professors, scientists and doctors. This is how “Swayam Krishi” was conceptualised in 2015. Sunil is very clear – GIY concept is for those who feel the need to change and cultivate better eating habits.
Click here to know more About "Swayam Krishi – Self farming"
Benguluru Urbanite’s problems.
Firstly, the travel distance to the nearby outskirts, then no access to farmers’ land, then the technical know how, then the labour costs and non-availability of the organic seeds, saplings and manure and last but most important was to attract with super affordable rent rates. Sunil has been able to sort out all of these issues in the last 5 years.
Win-Win situation
Its a Win-Win situation for all – farmers were happy to provide the land, urbanites who are getting conscious about eating habits were even more happier to grow their own produce organically; especially at an asking rate of just Rs 2/- per Square Foot. The agricultural experts too were more than excited to share their knowledge.
Its up and running
Sunil has already leased 15 acres of agricultural land on Bannerghatta Road in Bengaluru and part of it is rented to customers. He has 12 full time labourers who supervise and oversee the nurturing of the fields. Sunil boasts of more than 30-40 clients who rent throughout the year and it only gets better by adding new ones.
Sunil admits –when you plant you learn how difficult crop growing is and better understanding of the actual plight of a farmer. The Kids who come are a happy lot who feel like a picnic and learn on the job and not from the text books and for the GIY families its such a joy to do it yourself and enjoy the produce...so much so they return for more, and more join the party. Today Sunil boasts of 166 clients who are loving their new organic lifestyle.
How does it work ?
Once you rent, choose your own veggies from tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, beans, broccoli, lettuce, variety of gourds, grains and even flowers etc., Sunil and his workers teach you about seeds,saplings, tilling, mixing of the mud,manuring and then planting. Once this is done the people return to the city. Sunil’s team sends them WhatsApp pics after 3-4 weeks when the veggies start growing and when the harvest is ready, people come to pick..The workers nurture and take care during the process.
Please refer to Swayam Krishi for Renting options.
Benefits outway the Risks.
Risks of losing a crop due to unpredictable weather conditions are far less compared to the Benefits one receives by eating chemical and pesticide-free crops.
Future Plans
Sunil is keen on expanding on a Franchise Model and is willing to associate with Like-Minded people who can contribute, invest and work together for a healthy lifestyle. Sunil can be reached at 9945508995 (currently only in Bengaluru), E-Mail: sunilinpharm@gmail.com. Click here to Get Directions to Swayam Krishi Farm.
Sunil concludes: Until we discover another Planet lets help each other to a healthy lifestyle on our Planet Earth.
Swayam Krishi - Self Farming, Laxmipura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560083
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