Vinay’s invention of the Smallest Handmade 3gm Chessboard is sure to beat the existing Guinness World Record of 6.63gms.

Phone Addict to an Innovator.
Getting off and getting rid of the Phone as a schoolboy has turned this young genius into an innovator who otherwise would have been lost in the world of social media. Vinay Kumar Kante an Engineering student says that Phones are such an integral part of our lives but if used wisely can be a boon. Anyway, Fret Not ! its just a matter of trying to introspect deeply and discover one’s hidden talent, skill and turn into a passionate hobby. It happened by chance for Vinay when he was in Class 8th saw a person making a golden miniature of a Bicycle and that’s how he discovered his hobby of making miniatures.
Fascinating Miniatures.
Vinay uses all waste materials like LED bulbs, vibrators, toys, gas connecting pipes, wood, batteries, coke tins, pen nibs, wristwatch batteries, mosquito bats, switches, stapler pins, etc.,
As an Engineering student, he had created working models of a 1-inch mixie, a 4-inch refrigerator, with a minus 5 deg temp, a gold-coated Iron of 0.5cm and a 1 cm Chess Board. Vinay has had great praises and has become pretty famous and found his name etched on Telugu Book of Records, Guinness Book of Achievers and has won many more accolades. What is the use of all the talent in creating miniatures if it can’t serve any useful purpose was the question he always pondered on.
Guinness World Record.
Vinay is soon going to process his application at the Guinness World Records for his invention of the smallest miniature hand made Chessboard of 1cm i.e. 10x10mm which weighs just 3 gms in total. The King is 4mm, the pawns are 2mm in height respectively. What is even more fascinating is that Vinay has done this entire project with naked eyes (without using eyeglasses or micro-scope). Vinay is sure to break the existing record of 6.63gms which has a King 4.8mm and pawns 2.3mm comfortably.
He in order to get the quality and perfect shapes has used copper wires, polishing material, filing tools, black and white stickers, copper sheets to get this good looking chessboard. In addition, he has coated the White pieces with silver and the Black with gold and used M-seal gum to make the chessboard.
NRI Institute of Technology in A.P. has certified Vinay's invention and highly recommends his application.
See the Recommendation from University.
A priceless gift to his Father.
It is the NEED that led to innovating the cheapest Hearing Aid. It so happened that his father Phanibhushana Rao who works as a Temple Assistant was in desperate need of a Hearing Aid and couldn’t afford one. Vinay said, “here’s a great opportunity to do something that will not only help his father but also so many who cannot afford to buy.” Vinay after spending a lot of time came up with the Cheapest Hearing Aid and gifted it to his father.
Vinay collected the required components and innovated a Hearing Aid for Rs 1000/- but realized that this could be heavy on the pockets and the newer ones with a simpler basic model for people who have a slight hearing problem. This simple machine on a small circuit board costs Rs 600-700/- and will definitely cost cheaper in the future. The Hearing Aid is being used by his father and he is keen on Patenting and marketing. Vinay’s model is in the final stages of getting approvals and making it into a final marketable product.
Obvious career choice.
To pursue Electronics and Communication Engineering was an obvious choice and he soon joined NRI Institute of Technology, Pothavarappadu, Andhra Pradesh. Vinay during his student days was always trying out different experiments but always had a focus on innovating something that could be of help to others. Now, done and over with the Engineering student days; but certainly not done with learning and studying more and again the obvious choice is overseas universities. Vinay is keen on pursuing Material science and nanotechnology. Vinay also has a deep interest in physics theories and outer space too is close to his heart.
A pet topic
Power production topic has always been dear to Vinay and he has been researching on producing power using gravitational force and magnetic fields since school. Vinay also submitted his FEFI (Free Energy for India) project to the Govt of India for innovative ideas.
Big dreams
Vinay is aiming high and sure with hard work and dedication will succeed. Vinay wants to make a green electrical energy machine for poor people. Vinay is also thinking of a small device to carry insulin (for diabetics) which needs to be stored under a certain all-time cool temperature. What more than thinking of our soldiers who give their lives to keep us safe. For better protection of soldiers, Vinay wants to innovate protection gears, etc., for the army, navy and the air force.
Affordable to the poorest.
To help Vinay accomplish his dream of making the Hearing aid affordable to the poorest, any sort of contribution is highly appreciated and Vinay can be reached via his email at OR Drop a mail at
Vinay concludes “Through his innovation he wants to see A Smile on every person who can’t enjoy a simple basic need.”
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