Wellness Yoga guru insists on lifestyle changes and inner transformation to experience complete benefits. His prime focus is on the wellness of seniors.

Out lifestyle determines our future. The way we deal with our surroundings that include both people and nature, dictates our physical and health. Man must live in line with nature and once he deviates, his body shows its reaction in some or the other way. Be it the mental or the physical health, to remain fit, man has to give up sendentary living and take up active lifestyle. Out of numerous options available around to stay fit and healthy, Yoga turns out to be a great way that enhances the physical and mental well-being of a person. There are many people who have benefitted from Yoga and out of them, a few have chosen to gift this treasure to the world. One such guru is Murli.S and this article takes you through his journey.
This yoga enthusiast who met with the roots of yoga back in early eighties when he gained the tutelage of Hatha Yoga Master Sri Govardhan, accomplished his junior, senior and advanced levels in yoga.
Keep reading to know how a Management graduate with decades of experience as an HR in both private and public sectors and the one who cofounded many city level welfare associations and federations turned into a Yoga guru.
A Drooping Health Curve Changed It all:
Though not a couch potato, Murli had to face some serious health issues in the year 2000. Suryanamaskar was a part of his routine till then but it didn't help. He fell prey to issues like BP, Cholesterol and heart palpitations and to save himself, he was asked to make considerable changes to his lifestyle. He picked up walking and exercising coupled with changes in diet but of no visible use. After futile efforts for one year, in 2001, he came across something that he never heard of before, Siddha Samadhi Yoga. He wanted to give it a try and attended the 18-day program conducted by Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra under the guidance of Sri Yoga Brahma Rishi Prabhakar Guruji. He started noticing changes not only in his physical and mental health but his inner self also rejoiced. He experienced something called as inner engineering and turned spiritually wise. He lost 9 kgs and on top of everything he developed better interpersonal relationships and understood the importance of nature-close living. He learnt that taking care of people around us and living in line with them gives us peace and caring for nature is just like caring for our own selves. This new ideology ignited in him, the passion for yoga and he determined to gain deep knowledge of it.
A Dive Into The Life Of This Yoga Enthusiast:
Murli hails from an organisation that emphasizes on re establishing the "Rishi Culture". Well! What is Rishi Culture anyway?
Rishis were highly evolved and systematic ‘discoverers’, focusing on the ‘discovery of the self’. To attain such life, the practices they incorporate into their lives is the divine Rishi culture. In this tradition, his guru Sri Yoga brahma Rishi Prabhakarji was a Management Guru and a Scientist, educated in the best of the so called Western ivy league universities, but was not satisfied with just informative knowledge and wanted to contribute to transformative knowledge, which is true yoga and returned to his native country and surrendered to his Guru and both of them jointly performed intense sadhana and created structured programs for people to attain wellness.

Wellness or okayness or a person full of joy, is considered the greatest contribution one can give to the world. He stratified the spiritual evolution of a human being into seven stages and created specific trainings for graduating from one stage to the other and finally evolving into the highest. The state in which we operate in the world is more important than the action itself.
"Our Guru created Gurus, whereas most so called Gurus only create shishyas, which makes a lot of difference.", says Murli. A spiritual teacher in this tradition has to stay at an Ashram for several months at a stretch to imbibe the ‘culture’ and not attain a ‘degree’. That's how under the enlightenment of a great guru, Murli emerged as yet another guru to spread the light of life around him. He is now the CHIEF ADVISOR at SVASTI WELLNESS CENTRE AND ACADEMY.
Taking It Forward:
The benefits that yoga offered him made him inclined towards it completely that he even wanted to spread its frangrances to the people around him in order to gift them better lives. The impact that the 18-day SSY program had on him multiple was so deep that he continued as a program volunteer for all the subsequent SSY classes. He also graduated as a third phase SSY teacher during his 60-day stay at the SSY ashram by attending three levels of Teacher's Training Courses. He then went on to form citizen groups and associations and worked for citizen-friendly benefits establishing Zonal Federations. This deep zest for yoga also made him take up and complete the spectrum of Ashtanga Yoga conducted by Vivekananda Yoga University at Jigani in 2010.
Taking SSY To Everyone:
Siddha Samadhi Yoga (SSY), Murli says, has a unique approach to address and nurture the emotional and spiritual spheres of an individual. SSY also plays an important role in treating chronic and psychosomatic diseases with ease in short duration. The most significant aspect of this program is that it provides people with hands-on exposure into this arena. Therefore, Murli has decided to take this panacea to people, especially the seniors, treat their ailments and gift them healthy lives. This, he started using as a weapon to battle with the present day disease-prone living and imbibe lifestyle changes into people's routines to clear their stress out. His prime focus lies in relieving a person from mild depression, stress and anxiety. On the same note, he trains his disciples in attaining stable mind and thereby increasing their concentration levels. Ultimately, when the mind is brought under control, it has a positive impact on physical health too and thus regular SSY sessions keep people away from ailments and improve their overall standard of living. Murli says that the essential aspects that form the pillars of any person's life are the Physical Management, Mental Management, Social Management, Spiritual Management and Emotional Management. Through his sessions, Murli is trying to gift people a strong body through Pranayama and Pranic diet; a healthy mind through Samadhi Meditation and through these a person gets the required skills to manage various social roles, hold control over emotions and thus attains a blissful life. While most yoga proponents focus only on the physical aspects of yoga, the important aspect of spiritual evolvement essential for total wellness of a person is ignored. This insight is critical in trainings and transformative programs which is very well seen in Murli's training.
Isn't this amazing that a man who benefitted out of something willing to gift the same to everyone around him! Very few people can think this way and they are truly the angels in disguise. A guru is the one who makes his disciple "complete". We wish many people benefit under this mighty tree and may numerous lives turn better.
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