Lakshmi Menon brings about economic change in the lives of the fisher-folk of Kerala.

Green Philosophy Of A Philanthropist
"Greatness lies not in what you have but in what you give"
Have you ever said 'Thank you' in your life? Of course, you must have, a countless times. But how meaningful was your 'Thank you'? Confused? Let's flip through the pages of Lakshmi Menon's story to understand the real meaning of expressing gratitude.
Remember those childhood paper boats that floated on the rainy roads? This concept was caught by Lakshmi Menon, a social entrepreneur to express 'Thanks' to the Kerala fisher folk for their voluntary rescue support during the 2018 floods. Paper boats with 'Thank you' notes written on them were sent to the fishermen. But wait! It is much more than just a thank you note!
When these paper boats were set to sail in waters during monsoon, the seeds in the paper boats sprout into flowering plants!! BOOM!! The Blossoms of Thanksgiving.
What if this 'Thank you' comes along with a package of economic aid and assurance?
Yes! FriendSHIP came up with a life insurance scheme and an exciting opportunity of entrepreneurship to transform the lives of the fishermen. Through this campaign, those interested to help the fishermen pay a Premium of Rs.24 for a policy cover of Rs 1 lakh in collaboration with New India Life Assurance Company. Also, the self-reliant entrepreneurship offers the women an opportunity to supply the fresh fish through an online marketing platform without the need for any distributors or middlemen.
Lakshmi Menon and her "PURE LIVING"
Born in Ernakulam into a privileged family, this graduate in Home Science always felt the need to give back to the community. And that's how the bricks for PURE LIVING were laid in 2015.
Pure Living – A Hope to the wrinkled souls.
Her first project through Pure Living, AMMOOMMATHIRI instilled a sense of self-worth in the old souls of old-age homes. Cotton wicks were made and sold, thus making the wrinkled hands at old-age homes self-reliant.
Pure Living – Reflecting the Emotions.
The strength, resilience and ability to withstand and bounce back showcased by keralites during the flood time was given a shape by Lakshmi - CHEKUTTY which means a little kid who survived the mud. The cuts and scars on its body reflect every Malayali who battled the floods. It was also used by psychiatrists to counsel the people with suicidal tendencies.
"If Chekutty could survive all the hardships and struggles, so can you"- a simple logic that instilled bravery in panicked minds. Along with Co-founder Gopinath Parayil of Blue Yonder, Lakshmi launched Chekutty.
When Pens are not just Pens.
A pen that costs Rs.3 to Rs.5, dances amidst our fingers for a few days and later gets dashed into the soil. This low cost, easy-to-use, disposable little piece of non biodegradable entity defaces the environment in the most panicking way. So, the lady who always wanted to be a part of the solution thought of an alternative to this and the result was Rolapena.
A Pen, Later A TREE
The project made disposable hand-crafted pens out of paper and guess what! They had seeds at one end. Plant the pen in the soil after its use and there grows a tree from the layers of the earth!! THE SEED PEN!
A Life with a purpose.
Our team was mesmerized at the life of Lakshmi Menon, a philanthropist who is striving to shelter humanity under the canopy of Mother Nature is offering every fruit of her benevolent tree to the world.
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