Green Granny dedicated her life to conserving forests by planting trees.

No school education and no degree in Botany. But haven't we seen in innumerable situations that education is not all? Even without the knowledge of ABCs how our grandmothers have even cured simple health issues at home without running to the doctor? It all comes with experience, level of understanding and application. Everyone knows how important it is to grow trees- the importance of afforestation and its benefits, but how many of them apply it to the real scenario is the question! Even at the age of 72, a lady from Uttara Kannada district who bagged the fame as the encyclopedia of the forest is giving her best to conserve the forests of India. She is Tulasi Gowda and let's know what made her the mother of Indian Forests.
Born To Conserve The Dying Trees:
Tulasi Gowda, an Indian Environmentalist was born in the village of Halakki in a tribal family. She lost her father when she was just two years old and this had shaken her deeply. In addition to not receiving any formal education due to pathetic living conditions and poverty, she was forced to work as a daily wager. She was married off to Govinde Gowda who died within a few years of marriage. Once the forest department conducted an afforestation program in her neighbourhood. Tulasi actively participated in the same and rendered dedicated services. In recognition of her services, the forest department regularised her service. Thus she has joined the forest department as a temporary volunteer whose prime duty was to take care of the seeds in the Agasur seedbed. Over the years, Gowda has shown outstanding results with the inbuilt knowledge of her cultural heritage. With her sheer grit and dedication, she bagged a permanent position and served in the forest department for fourteen years and now, upon retirement, she receives pension to survive.
Never Read Books But The Brain Is A Hub Of Practical Knowledge:
Tulasi's poverty stopped her from going to school but her knowledge of plants didn't stop expanding. She has extensive knowledge of all the saplings she planted along with their dynamics and requirements. Ask her about a plant, she will tell you without a second thought everything about the species, and everything the plant needs for growth. Tulasi Gowda can estimate the state of budding plants by just touching them. For her ability to extract seeds from mother trees and regenerate plant species, she is called as the encyclopedia of the forest. She worked immensely to raise awareness among people on the importance of conservation of trees. Her contribution to conserving the environment was so immense that she was honoured by various organizations. The government of India honoured her with Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award of India, on 26 January 2020.
The Regenerator:
Tulasi is known for her ability to regenerate the native plants. While 90% of the indigenous trees find it difficult to regenerate in India, Tulasi set her foot to address this issue. She identifies the mother tree of every species from any location in the forest and collects seeds from it. Having known the fact that the plant regeneration is more successful when seeds come from the mother tree, Tulasi collects the seeds of various plant species from the mother tree. She very well knows when is the right time to collect seeds and when these trees germinate. Thus, many plants have been finding their way to regenerate and re-bloom.
The Tree Goddess:
Tulasi is known as the tree goddess in her tribe Halakki Vokkalika. Tulasi has retired from the forest department but her love and dedication for the plants didn't. She started raising awareness about the importance of plants, flowers and herbs.
I always explain to children that the forest must be protected and nurtured, she says.
We all have to pitch in. Let children plant seeds and look after the plants as they grow, says Tulasi.
Give it to the 72-year-old green granny who has been striving hard to set green trends.
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