Fitness is not an expensive and tiresome affair. Fit Tuber is here to make it realistic for you.

"The amount of hard work that goes behind it, salute to you", "You are literally the best YouTuber, coach, actor, brother", "All I can say is Thank you FitTuber for your guidance, I learnt so many things from you", "He must be our health minister", "Better advice than the three medical doctors I saw this week", "Life feels good while watching your videos", "You deserve an Oscar", "He is like my professional maternal grandmother" - the list keeps going if I don't end writing here. These are all in praise of the most loved content creator on YouTube, prominently known as the FitTuber. Vivek Mittal, well known as Fit Tuber is a revolutionary content creator on YouTube to whose videos present-day India eagerly waits for. The youth, who don't generally pay heed to the wisdom of Ayurveda, healthy lifestyle tips etc. also are attracted to his videos, follow him and his advice. He has undoubtedly influenced many lives for good, walking people towards fitness and health.
While many YouTubers create content related to health and fitness, most of them showcase unrealistic and unachievable goals. For a beginner or a common man, fitness shouldn't seem like a sour grape. That's what Vivek Mittal tries to do. He makes fitness and health, achievable for everyone. His videos guide people by providing simple and accessible ways to remain fit.
Fitness Is Not A Luxury Item:
Vivek Mittal who hails from Bathinda, Punjab pursued his engineering in Information Technology from Indraprastha University, Delhi. He worked at Infosys in Hyderabad for over three years. It was since his college days that Vivek developed an interest in fitness. He worked and stayed in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh for some time. Owing to his love for fitness, he has read numerous books on Modern Nutrition and Ayurveda. He himself said that he did not take any professional training and certification course for fitness, but he read extensively, the books about fitness. When he checked videos on YouTube about fitness, he was overwhelmed with confusion as to how they can be helpful to common people. All those videos have high-end goals typically scaring common people who come to a conclusion that fitness is a costly and tiresome affair. Vivek Mittal decided to tell people what a healthy lifestyle is all about. What good diet and right exercise mean. He thus started to make videos and he humbly accepts that he is not a certified fitness trainer but has gained knowledge of modern Nutrition and Ayurveda by reading books extensively. He started his YouTube journey in August of 2016. Over time, he attracted millions of users with his honest content. "From the very beginning, I have always wanted to create content that would be beneficial to our Indian society, taking into consideration that our lifestyle is quite different from the western world,” says Vivek.
Millions Of Followers To The 'Wise' Man:
Vivek Mittal who started his YouTube channel as FitTuber became a prominent fitness YouTuber in very little time. People know him as Fit Tuber than by his original name. He bagged the love of more than 3 million followers and his videos have over 250 million views. His videos on weight loss are not like regular weight loss videos that seem to be showing heaven in one's hand. They are made realistic and achievable. He talks about healthy recipes quite often. If someone on a diet who has cut sugar has got sweet cravings, Vivek has the best and easiest solution for them. He has the best, simple and easy recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He suggests what best can be done about regular health problems as well as talks about women's health too. He addresses the concerns of period cramps, PCOS in women, suggesting various ways to prevent and cure them with food and exercise. His videos about ingredients in the food items, daily use products are worth noting down. They help us choose the right product to enhance our overall health and performance.
Any video he does aim at bursting out conventional myths and fears regarding fitness. While he creates limited content during the week, he focusses the rest of his time on researching on topics extensively and picks up the most required topic for the week's release. The way he presents his videos clearly depict that he feels it as his duty to give his users the right knowledge about things. Thus, to lead a healthy, chemical-free life, Vivek Mittal's videos are the first in the line to be recommended. Talking about his main agenda in creating these videos and channel on YouTube, he says, “As for my channel, I think having a low but dedicated number of followers is more important for me. I always wanted to create fitness content that suited common people, with regular lifestyles- I don’t want them to look at my videos and think they’d never be able to buy the product that I am talking about or do what I do. I wanted them to associate with me on a very conventional level, and I have indeed managed to achieve that".
Sponsorship - Yes, Only If It Is Genuine:
Vivek Mittal speaks about products and promotes them in his videos but there is a bold line that separates him from the rest of the content creators. He takes up sponsorship only after checking every minute detail about the firm. Be checks the transparency of every product that comes forward to sponsor his videos. He only promotes those products that don't harm one's body.
Haters Gonna Hate:
Vivek Mittal has never taken a back step to talk about what's wrong with the most established and highly popular brands. He didn't fear telling people that the products claimed to be healthy are actually not. He talks openly about their ingredients that cause severe harm to people's health and wellness. For this, he was slammed by many multinational FMCG companies. He was given legal notices and he also had to attend trial from the Bombay High Court because of which he lost one year's worth of earning. In spite of this, he didn't show his spine. He firmly stood by his word and hasn't got deviated from his stand. This is what made him a hero; a fitness hero who people look up to. Though 'Fit Tuber' has got its own setbacks, it still bounced back and never disappointed its followers. Talking about the same, Vivek says, “Failure is not when something doesn’t work out the way you planned, but when it doesn’t teach you a valuable lesson.”
The Man With Real Values:
Vivek Mittal thinks of people as people. No body shaming, no unnecessary comments on people and nothing beyond reality. His philosophy is simple - "The world is already battling several issues than ones that should make people uncomfortable about their bodies". This man has got the real charm that doesn't shine with unnecessary and unrealistic expectations. True to the core, reality in hands and honest with suggestions.
May Vivek Mittal continue to make such useful content that tells children, youngsters, and everyone of any age group, the importance of living healthy and fit. We congratulate his humble efforts to make India fit.
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