No More Peddling !! The Bicycle runs on Air-Gun Mechanism, a remarkable invention by a School girl from Odisha.

Thinking Generation
Pre-teens and Teens is a thinking generation and their observance of the surroundings and experiences makes them see problems and find a solution to make life easier. In India, Parents to a large extent play a pivotal role by providing the much-needed encouragement and support.
Keen Observation
Tejaswani Priyadarshani a 14-year-old from Rourkela in Odisha did just that. While she went to the cycle shop to do repairs, she saw the mechanic using an “Air Gun” to detangle the knots in a bicycle tyre and it struck her that she could use this concept to run a bicycle.
This simple observation was what she expressed to her father Natwar Gocchayat who readily agreed to support her with the necessary equipment to turn into a workable solution.
Cycling without Peddling?
It may sound simple but the duo had spent considerable time and effort conducting regular experiments. They started off with buying the basic equipment like an Air Tank with an Inlet to fill the compressed air, a starting Knob, a Dial to measure and a safety valve to release excess air. The Air Gun was then placed near the Pedal and the Pedal would rotate the gears with the help of six different blades to set it in motion.
Initially, they tested it for short distance of 10 km and improved on by mounting a 10 kg compressed cylinder which can now cover 60 kms.
Scope of Invention
Tejaswani – nicknamed as the future APJ Kalam in her area says, there is plenty of scope for improvement and this can be used for motorbikes and cars and there is a need for getting rid of petrol and diesel and in turn creating a pollution Free environment.
The government of Odisha has come forward to encourage this little Teen to look into the mass production of this “Made in India” Fuel Free Bicycle which will help thousands of school goers.
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