E-Reader Virtual Brailler could bring so much solace to the blind. Wish Helen Keller was alive.

angad daryani

Childhood just passes by playing around and learning new things, however, have you caught wind about somebody who invented a solar boat at the age of 8, a 3D Printer at the age of 13, and an e-reader for the blind at the age of 15. Meet Angad Daryani who is currently a 22-year-old inventor and social entrepreneur from Mumbai, India. He is a school dropout who ended up inventing new technologies by applying new methods and techniques. 

A Hobby Turned into Passion 

As a kid, Angad was exceptionally inquisitive about various advancements which caused him to create hobby projects like water level detectors, Robot wars at IIT- Fest and solar-powered boats,s, etc. He loved art and painted his canvas with electrons. At 15 years old, he chose to leave school and selected homeschooling during his ninth and tenth grades. He got an honour for showing magnificent entrepreneurial abilities and for a technological contribution towards the poor society and he also gave a TED Talk at the age of 18.  He further continued to do the international baccalaureate diploma program at Jamnabai Narsee international school in Mumbai. 

Angad had begun a club which is known as the Makers asylum in Mumbai. 

This helps the youth to come together, share ideas, and experiment. He started two companies that are shark Kits and shark bot.

Shark Kits: This is a Do-it-yourself kit company that gives advancements at a lower cost for fledglings to begin creating their innovations. They aim to gather and build more developers who can comprehend the current world issues and come up with ideas and solutions. Every individual is provided with the kit and starts finding out about the different parts, their capacities, and their working. This can kick them off to think imaginatively and concoct their own ideas and innovations.

Shark Kits This is a Do-it-yourself kit company that gives advancements at a lower cost for fledglings to begin creating their innovations

Shark Bot: It is Angads dream project to build a 3D printer, which will be affordable, and reliable. They decided to build a robust by using their sound engineering knowledge and just about 3 years of examination work and advancement. They even had to shut down for a year as they did not meet their expectations and goal. But the upcoming product is assured to hit the market.

Shark Bot It is Angads dream project to build a 3D printer, which will be affordable, and reliable

Inventions for the Needy

His Inventions for the social cause:

Virtual Brailler - This is an e-reader for the blind which converts digital text from roman braille to tactile braille, and the tactile braille sends feedback to the fingers of a visually impaired person to read the text.  According to Angad, this device can work as a blind kindle which is affordable. Team members consisted of Angad Daryani, Vijay Varada, Raghavendra S H, Ankit Prajapati, and It is developed under the mentorship and funding of MIT, Boston, USA.

youtube video

Mobile Electrocardiogram This is an android based device for cardiac disease patients. It comprises a wearable ECG-Monitoring belt, and the conditions will be checked through the android app installed on the doctor’s phone. Team members of this project consist of Kuldeep Singh Rajput, Neeraj Babu, Raghuveer Surupa, Vidya Mansoor, Arjun Pola, Angad Daryani. This project is mentored by MIT, Boston, USA.   


Praan is an artificially intelligent air purification system, it is the most advanced and low-cost system. They are a company that uses patent-pending technology to purify the air in cities and look forward to a more clear and blue sky. They build technologies that are affordable, adaptable, and reliable. They have a combined team of designers, computer scientists, engineers, biologists, etc who come together and bring in more exciting and new inventions. They bring in about 158 people from more than 70 cities around the world. They have some of the best experts from Amazon, Tesla, Facebook, Intel, Microsoft, and SpaceX. 

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Praan is an artificially intelligent air purification system, it is the most advanced and low-cost system

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helen kellervirtual braillerE readerentrepreneur inventionsangad daryaniinventor social entrepreneursolarpowered boats3D printerereader for blindTED Talkshark KitsPraanVirtual Brailler