Cancers of Breast,Liver and Pancreas can now be treated based on protein-linked disorders by Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar's invention.

Cancer- one of the most dreadful diseases around the world, has been treated in different ways but nobody has found a cure for it yet. One such treatment is now available through Cytotron. Cytotron is a device that stops the multiplication and growth of cancer cells and also prevents them from spreading across the different parts of the body.
After 32 years of continuous research, Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar has invented Cytotron for the treatment of breast, liver, and pancreatic cancers. It has been an honor for Dr Kumar to have his invention labelled by the Centre for Devices and Radiological Health, which is a branch of the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).
About the man behind the invention
Dr Kumar is a Bengaluru based scientist who is the chief scientific officer at the center for advanced research and development (CARD). He is a researcher in the field of nanotechnology, biophysics, and sustainable technology. After conducting research for three decades on cellular pathways and their interactions with specifically modulated fast radio bursts, Dr Kumar has reached his goal. Cytotron, the device that he has developed will help reduce the risk of spreading cancer within the body. Whenever a tumor is detected, he insists that the patients go through cytotron before being operated or going through any kind of treatment. He believes that this will prevent the tumor from growing or spreading any further.
Dr Kumar has gained attention to his invention because of its approval from the USFDA, which is considered an institute of high position. This in itself is a big achievement for him as it indicates the safety and efficiency of the treatment and that does not come easy, otherwise. Dr Kumaralso serves as the group chairman of Organization De Scalene that is based on innovative technology.
How does the device work?
The traditional technique used in fighting cancer kills and destroys cancer tissues, whereas the cytotron technique works differently.
The Cytotron works on the tissue engineering principle of human cells, where certain proteins are altered and regulated to prevent the multiplication and spreading of cells when encounters cancerous cells. Otherwise, the proteins are regulated to promote the growth of damaged cells. Thus, this becomes a new technique to repair cellular disorders.
Cancer affects the cells of the body where a few cells go out of control affecting the healthy cells and thus affecting the body’s immune system. Dr Kumar says that this can be controlled methodologically and by using certain protein pathways, where the cancer cells are accelerated directly to ageing. This leads the cancer cells to apoptosis, which means the death of cells. Once this stage is accomplished, the body’s immune system regains its activity slowly and the cancer cells are recycled to work normally.
Cytotron is supposed to be a huge machine with a large number of components. It is based on the phenomenon rotational field quantum magnetic resonance, where the device produces radio bursts at great speeds. These radio bursts are electromagnetic signals that help in communicating and controlling the body cells.
Availability of cytotron and more
Currently, the cytotron treatment is being practiced in nine countries some of which are UAE, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Mexico. Dr Kumar claims that cytotron has treated hundreds of patients from these countries. The device is still not available in India, however, it will be available by end 2020. It is quoted between 2.5 to 3 crore Indian rupees. The machine is already being made at the CARD campus in Bengaluru and will soon be supplied to the hospitals and institutions in India.
Cytotron is already approved for clinical use by the SFDA in the Middle East, the Medical Devices Directive (MDD) of the European Council, and the Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS) in South America.
The device is capable of doing more than just the treatment of cancer. It has a broader scope for research in tissue engineering (like chondrogenesis), where the cartilage tissue and bone tissue can be grown using the same technology. Research is being continued in this segment and is going to be the next best thing in medical inventions.
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