India’s 12 YO unstoppable etched his name into Guinness for Limbo Skating.

Ever tried Limbo skating or roller limbo? Envision how a person can escape out of a squeezed place by wearing tires on his feet. The majority of you probably won't have found out about the game. However, Tiluck Keisam was 12 years old to make it to the World Records for skating. This little wonder from Delhi has made India glad about his persuasive accomplishments. Kasam Ricky and Pravabati Takhellambam from Manipur are fortunate to have a son, an incredible Limbo skater. A boy who can pass from underneath a hurdle of just 12 inches high. Tiluck began rehearsing roller limbo in 2013 and proceeded to establish his first precedent in matches in December 2015 with a range of 116 m i.e., 380 feet 5 inches. He captured the double Guinness Global Record championship in limbo skating underneath barriers with a distance of 145 meters in a solo ride. Setting the new world record for longest roller skating limbo, he beat his record of 116 meters by cutting down his bars by 7cm than the fundamental 35cm. To achieve the record, he expected to keep his hands and lower arms off the floor reliably.
Tiluck has been skating since 2013. He gets up at 4 am early morning and practices for a couple of hours towards the beginning of the day and a few hours more at night. Taken part in multiple tournaments, he now has earned 42 awards, scratching his name in the Limca Book of Records a year ago. Tiluck had to lift his paws and forearms off the ground consistently, something he seemed, by all accounts, to be calm. Steadily, keeping similar level-headedness, he crossed the end line. Even though he was at only eight, his remarkable capacity to limbo skate can leave anybody in wonder. Till now, his videos have received about 4000 likes and dozens of messages to compliment him.
Mentor endeavours and skateboarding zeal in the limelight….
This little skater began performing skating at the age of four, and enthusiastically follows it until now. Tiluck practised skating routinely for hours to meet new benchmarks. Mentor Rohtash Dinodia had the most significant role to play and polish Tiluck for his performances at Delhi. Notwithstanding, it is hard for his guardians to keep harmony between his examinations and skating zeal. Tiluck needs to buckle down on his enthusiasm for partaking in the country's Olympics and making his nation glad. Under the supervision of Coach, Tiluck was honoured as the outstanding Limbo skater for the season 2014-15. Tiluck also featured on the Television Series, "I can do that," where he played skating along with Bollywood celebrities. His mentor Rohtash Dinodia even coordinated a few occasions before like the Limca Book of World Records Guinness Book of World Records.
Global little champ Prodigy achievements…
The Global Child Prodigy Awards is the solitary association to perceive abilities from different nations and foundations, with extreme expertise in their specialism, like drawing, modelling, poetry, business, kung fu, songwriting, youth service, respectively. The wonder boy, Tiluck, bagged multiple awards, out of which nineteen of them are gold medals and several distinctions apart from etching his name in the Limca Book of Guinness Book of World Records. Tiluck endeavoured another accomplishment at the Slalom Wakeboard occasion with skates and made another world record. The little fellow covered five laps, where they set 97 cones at a space of one-meter apart at a cumulative length of 3,880 meters. Thus it travelled a cumulative height of 485 meters on a single sprint of just 3 minutes 40 seconds. Tiluck Keisam got the Global Child Prodigy grant in January 2020 for skating. His name was recorded under the best 100 wonders of the year. He is pleased to win this honour as it is one of his most remarkable accomplishments.
Exceptionally supple …
Tiluck performed on behalf of India in the first Asian Roller Skating Open Championship held at St. Thomas English Medium School, Chippi Tank, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, on 26th December 2013, and secured a silver medal for the nation. He travelled 116 meters as against the previous height of fifty meters in 31.87 seconds with bars and cones set apart 35 cm and the gap within bars maintained at 1.0 meters. He shields 144.7 meters with hurdles of cones and bars in 56.01 seconds in a sole run as it were.
Miracle Kid a model of motivation…
Apart from sports, Tiluck has additionally been a wellspring of motivation for several other youngsters.
Dhairya Chowdhry is another offspring of a similar age who draws his motivation from Tiluck. He got inspiration from Tiluck's diligent effort and assurance towards his enthusiasm. He at that point began rehearsing the techniques of skating and distinctly built up an interest in the equivalent. So when Tiluck and Dhairya can do, then why not others!
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