Bye Bye Buying AND Hello Renting. Meet the IITian Geetansh Bamania the brain behind creating RentoMOJO.

Rent Now..
Renting and Hiring anything is here to stay unlike the 80s owning was the norm. With the APPs available at your fingertips, its become even more easier on the pockets too. To the migrating population of today its a BOON. The spending YOUTH especially the millennials anyway love to experiment with new stuff and new look all the time including Mobile Phones, Cars, Clothes, Furniture, A/Cs, Appliances, Bikes or anything that makes life simpler and not boring. Renting is not a new concept though but APPs are !! That’s the way Life will go forward.
An IITian’s Start-Up
Start-Ups are mushrooming every minute from every nook and corner of the country. RentoMOJO, a 2014 venture was founded by an IITian Geetansh Bamania. MOJO (Majic power) seems to be clearly visible. Despite initial huge losses faced by RentoMOJO, they have picked themselves up to make it a profitable venture and today has attracted investments from the likes of Bain Capital Ventures to the tune of $10 million. RentoMOJO is currently operating from 8 cities.
RentoMOJO’s products and services.
A lot of effort goes into ensuring that the customer benefits through newer offers. RentoMOJO is currently offering Furniture, Furnishings, Appliances, Electronics, Clothes and bikes are in the offing soon and much more.
The Smartphone takers seem to make hay while the sunshines with flexible offers of renting and picking up upgraded or newer brands. The various options offered are very attractive: Negligible deposits, flexible rental and renewable terms, RentoMojo (RMI) Monthly Instalments works out cheaper than the traditional EMIs, Rent-to-Own, Swap products, free Relocation, Free maintenance, Damage waiver. For more info
Its all about Customer Satisfaction
Customer is King as the popular saying goes: the trend, the demand, after-sales services, attractive offers, easy financial options are key to any kind of business. RentoMOJO or any service oriented company cannot afford to take it easy as far as a customer is concerned. One of the services offered are notifications at the beginning of the month on recurring payments as it is cumbersome for a customer to visit the portal and check for due dates. Razorpay their own payment gateaway has proved to be flawless and very successful. The smart Subscription APIs have helped Rentomojo to be aware of the payments failures due to card expiry, insufficient funds and make them proactive as a team.
The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. Try and Taste the experience.
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