Why was Chennai's Marina beach filled with laughter on 27th December?

Every one deserves to enjoy the warmth and love of nature. Be it green fields or the salty water waves of the sea, every life on earth deserves to be drenched in the unlimited love of nature. Why not the disabled? But how can disabled people be brought to the shore and made to feel the tickling of waves? Beaches are, afterall, not wheelchair-friendly. But Greater Chennai Corporation together with the Disability Rights Alliance TN have come up with a temporary solution that brought smiles on to the faces of differently abled people. 


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Chennai's Marina Beach witnessed the pure bliss that emanated from the joyful souls of the wheelchair friends on 27th December, 2021. Greater Chennai Corporation together with the Disability Rights Alliance have constructed a temporary disabled-friendly wooden pathway on the beach connecting the main road to the shore. 


When videos and photographs of differently-abled people enjoying at the 

‘Wheelchair-accessible Marina Beach’ were released on the internet, they created waves of happiness. Kids and adults enjoyed their time on the sea shore rejoicing to the waters of waves as and when they hit their feet. A video filmed an overjoyed coupled who were almost jumping in joy after having reached the shore. What started in 2016 continued to be held annually on December 3Rd on the ocassion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. But in 2020, pandemic applied temporary brakes and in 2021, the event happened on 27th December after being postponed due to heavy rains. 


The heartwarming videos brought up demands to create a permanent pathway in the days to come. It feels happy to see people enjoying what they thought they could never do ever. Isn't it? 





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