Ravana on the roads of Pune! With milk packets?

What is Ravana doing on Pune roads? That too with milk packets? Well, he came to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. While new year wishes have been taking rounds in the air, unique wishing styles that convey deep messages are receiving the spotlight. Just like the one issued by the Assam Police which mentioned that anybody who flouts norms will be more than welcome to join the police’s “party”, which among other things will have a special performance by ‘DJ Lockup’ awaiting them, there are other messages that tried to create awareness among people. 


Surpassing all these wishes is the one brought forth by a Pune man. To tell people that alcohol consumption is harmful to health and to suggest them to rather shift to healthy alternatives this new year, Arun Ohar, has dressed up like Ravana with horns attached to his head and a large moustache hanging through his chin. He held milk packets in his hand while the other hand carried a sword-like object. He distributed milk packets at the traffic signals trying to convince people that alcohol should be driven away from their lives. 


With the message 'Daru Nakho, Dudh Khao’ (Drink milk, not alcohol), he wants "people to disown their inner Ravana, give up alcohol and choose milk instead."


What a unique step! Even if at least one person turns to change, the efforts laid down by people like Arun shall turn fruitful. 

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