Celebrating the Christ's triumph over death.

The celebration of the victory of life over death, victory of good over evil, victory of hope over dispair is going to be on 9th April, 2023. What is it all about? Let's take a look. 


It's the Easter Sunday.


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Easter is a Christian festival that is observed in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, as per the tables based in Western churches on the Gregorian calendar and in Orthodox churches on the Julian calendar. 


What Makes Easter So Significant? 


Easter signifies the triumph of Jesus Christ over death. It is strongly believed that the resurrection of Jesus is a promise of eternal life to all those who believe in Him. Easter is celebrated in respect to the confirmation of all the preachings of Lord Jesus Christ. Priests say that had He not risen from death, or had He simply died and not been resurrected, he would have been considered just as another teacher or prophet. Through His resurrection, He provided an ultimate proof that He was really the God's son. 


Why The Colour Purple? 


We notice the colour purple being highlighted during Easter celebrations. The reason behind this goes back to the day when the Roman soldiers draped Lord Jesus Christ in a purple robe in mockery (as in those days, purple represented Royalty) during his Crucifixion. This, the colour purple represents the amount of emotional and physical pain that Jesus went through during His Passion. The colour purple also symbolically represents that Jesus is the King of all Kings. This makes the colour reflect greatly during the celebration. Today, in majority of the churches, the clergy wear purple vestments, decorate the lecterns with purple cloth pieces and also cover the front of altars with purple frontals.


The Happy Day When The Christ Rose From Death: 


Several traditions are followed in the celebrations of Easter Sunday across the world. Easter Bunny, baskets of candy, Easter egg hunts etc are seen. Apart from these, other meaningful and message-oriented traditions also happen during this Holy day. They are the Sunrise services where the churches meet at a special sunrise service time and celebrate the rise of the saviour. Another tradition that is being followed teaches children about the empty tomb of Jesus. Here is where Resurrection rolls are baked with a large marshmallow inside. This marshmallow disappears while baking which symbolises the empty tomb of Jesus. Interesting. Isn't it? Churches and homes are decorated with Easter lilies marking the sacrifice of the lord while also symbolising new life people have got through His resurrection. 


This Holy day celebrates the sacrifice of God - who lived our life and who died the death we deserved, gifting eternal lives to us. It's time to be thankful for all the blessings we received through Him and gift what we can, to the human kind following His path.  

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