Animals cry like human babies, too!

Do animals also cry?



A very well-phrased question and one that is interesting to consider. The evolution of human behavior must be seen within the context of our evolutionary position as primates. However, we should also define what we mean by crying. If crying involves tears coming from the eyes, then the simple answer is yes: our tears are unique among the primates. However, the more complex answer relates to what crying means in terms of emotion, expression, and/or feelings.

Weeping can be interpreted as follows: as an emotional manifestation with or without sentiments (for instance, grief, discomfort, or discomfort), or even as a communication indication (for instance, of flourishing wellness in newborns, or to seek caring and/or consolation). As far as behavioral indices of distress (such as vocalizations, body movements, and facial expressions), or indices of sadness (for example, slumped shoulders), or of pain, crying might include any or all of the following. Many primates have been described as crying as an emotional expression, including squirrel monkeys cooing and chimpanzees whimpering and screaming. It has also been used to describe the vocalizations of monkey and ape infants during weaning and when they are separated from their mothers (either temporarily due to losing sight of the mother or permanently due to the death of the mother).

When trying to understand the behavior of other primates, scientists generally avoid attributions of human interpretations. Emotions are a case in point. Many scientists may not use anthropic language to express other animals, instead opt for using emotive phrases to characterize humans. Other primates are not said to have feelings, according to some researchers. Most, however, take a conservative approach and say it is difficult to tell if they have feelings or not. Furthermore, if they do have feelings, it is impossible to tell if their feelings are similar to ours. Several scientists avoid using the word crying when referring to nonhuman animals, instead of discussing distress vocalizations or describing an animal's acoustical characteristics. As a result, if we define crying as tearful sobs, humans are the only primates to cry. We can conclude that monkeys and apes cry, especially as infants, when they are experiencing distressing situations. Our knowledge of whether humans are the only primates who experience sorrow is limited.


Animals cry like human babies, too!


Animal behavior experts claim that some animals cry out of sorrow or stress, similar to cries from babies. After media reports last week described a crying newborn elephant calf at Shendiaoshan Wild Animal Nature Reserve in eastern China, the question of whether animals are capable of crying has been raised again. According to reports, the mother stomped on the calf for five hours, which caused the calf to cry inconsolably.

"If an animal gets loose with pleasure, it may weep," said animal behaviorist Marc Bekoff.

According to former University of Colorado, Boulder professor Bekoff, this could be due to a hard-wired reaction to not feeling touch. 'Discovery News' reported that elephant calves and human infants cry more out of stress than sorrow. The scientist noted that studies have shown that chickens, mice, and rats can demonstrate empathy, which is an even more complex phenomenon. For crying, an animal must have a social nature, possess eye anatomy similar to ours, and possess a brain structure that can interpret emotion.

Despite this, dogs and other animals are certainly capable of suffering and can recognize others' suffering, says Brian Hare, an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University who co-founded Dognition, a tool that analyzes dogs. In a Dognition survey, 72 percent of respondents reported that their dogs suffer from mild to extreme separation anxiety, likely similar to how the elephant calf felt. When separated from their loved ones, dogs exhibit anxiety through whimpering, whining, and howling. While dogs may not cry with tears, they certainly can exhibit anxiety, stress, or loneliness through their vocalizations, said Hare.

Cows cry both visibly and by shedding tears and usually cry when they are in fear, when they are despondent over their lost calves, or when they are frightened, or when they are forlorn. A dolphin's insight makes them suitable for passionate knowledge. Researchers found that dolphins live in families and form solid bonds with one another. In a similar way to elephants, dolphins also grieve for their lost loved ones.

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