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Hunger Free nation. An incredible vision by the Visual Communication student.

sneha mohandoss

Who has not heard of PM Modi handing over his Twitter account to the 7 most powerful women on the occasion of women's day? It was a talk of the town and one of the most influential women who had grabbed the opportunity for the day was Sneha Mohandoss. Nominated by one of her colleagues Vipin, she received great acclamation as soon as she took to handle the PM's twitter account. But what made her receive a lot of appraisals? Let's learn more about Sneha and her journey.

The Founder :

23-year-old Sneha Mohandoss is a Visual communication student. Currently, she is working in an event management organisation. Moved by the hunger pangs of homeless, a thought of connecting people who want to help the homeless with home-cooked, nutritious food sprouted in her and thus she founded "Chennai Food Bank".

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Hunger-free Nation:

The concept behind Food Bank is to battle the hunger pangs. To shoo away hunger, Sneha, along with her volunteers cooked extra meals every day and distributed it to the needy. She believed that the underprivileged deserved hot, fresh and nutritious food. Not just this, she decided to venture upon mass cooking once a month. This started FIVE years ago but received acclaim and people came to know about it only after Sneha took to the PM's twitter account on 8th March 2020. She works towards eradicating hunger with volunteers, many of whom are outside India. The inspiration for this, she says, came from her mother, who instilled in her, the habit of feeding the homeless.

No Money, Only Materials To Feed :

Food Bank doesn't accept money from anyone. It accepts only materials required to cook food. However, donations are being accepted by the philanthropists to conduct mass feeding programmes.

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An Opportunity That Fuelled Her Thought :

The recognition and fame that Sneha's thought received due to handling the PM's twitter account helped in many people getting to know about the organization's activities taking this initiative to an extra mile. With the wide-ranging support, she says, she will take this organization further to reach out to more empty stomachs.

What More From Food Bank?

Food Bank, which has been operating around 12 chapters presently, does not just focus upon feeding the needy. Its other activities include mass cooking, cooking marathons and breastfeeding awareness drives.

What Is Food Bank Looking For?

The team is facing challenges over a few things. Lack of infrastructure and vehicles for food delivery stand as concerns to take this forward. With the received acclaim, she hopes to get a solution to all such issues and Sneha is planning to seek help of the Tamilnadu government in this respect.

Sneha's Urge To People :

"world has enough for everyone's Need but not for everyone's Greed"  - a staunch follower of these words by Gandhi, Sneha urges every individual to feed one empty stomach and one day, she says,we can fight hunger. This incredible vision for a HUNGER FREE nation should receive greater acclaim and one day, let's wish to see the nation's streets free from the growls of hunger pangs.

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