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Corona Yuga designed by 10 YO receives praises from PM and Bal Puraskar. What's the game all about ?

veer kashyap

When I happen to write about the child prodigies and go on to know about them, my jaw drops involuntarily. "Where is it that they are getting such ideas from?” my mind constantly asks this question and I fail to answer her owing to my own astonishment. Children's minds are clean slates. Until external malnourishment doesn't affect their purity, they are innovatively extraordinary. The only thing is we have to just wait and watch them shine without disturbing their natural flow. One such mastermind who felt bored like every one of us during the COVID-19 lockdown has done something amazing that won him the Prime Minister's award. Interestingly, his work centers on COVID-19 itself. He is Veer Kashyap and this is his story. 

Boring Lockdown and The Interesting Innovation: 

Veer Kashyap, a 10-year-old boy who goes to Navy Children School, Kochi went to his grandparent's house located in Bengaluru for a period of time. With the announcement of nationwide lockdown, he got stuck there and found himself in a pool of boredom with just a few board games to play. It was April 2020 and the nation was experiencing its first phase of lockdown. To pull himself out of the boredom, Veer decided to do something. Having been exposed continuously to the news reports on COVID-19, and with celebrities spreading awareness on precautions to be taken etc., Veer decided to do his part in order to educate people about the pandemic in a creative way. Thus, this board games lover resolved to design a board game that highlights the safety tips and survival guidelines related to the pandemic. In order to create awareness about the coronavirus and throw light on the plight of the quarantined population, this game was designed. He named it "Corona Yuga". 

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Corona Yuga: 

On a piece of cardboard, using the materials available at home, Veer designed this board game. It also deals with the changes to be brought about in people's behaviour- mentally and physically, to fight the virus. As the player advances through the game, he gets to notice the safety guidelines to live through the pandemic, tips on behavioural change etc. The game also advocates the vitality of wearing masks, physical distancing, sanitizing, and also promotes the importance of yoga in keeping good health. Alongside appreciating the hard work of health workers, this game urges everyone to co-operate and stay safe. 

An Instant Hit: 

After several trials, Veer posted a video of "Corona Yuga" on YouTube and it instantly became viral. It immediately fell into the eyes of Teck Team Solutions who expressed interest in publishing the board game. The firm worked relentlessly even when everything was shut during the lockdown and designed a professional and commercial version of the game within just 30 days. The game has received more than 60 orders on Amazon in the very first month of its launch. 

Praises From The Prime Minister: 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, praised Kashyap for his innovation and tweeted, “An important message, said in a unique style. Veer Kashyap from Bengaluru created a game that seeks to keep people home and spread awareness about COVID-19. Happy that he has been conferred the Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2021.” Veer has won the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2021 for his excellence in the field of innovation. 

High Aspirations: 

Veer, who is fond of playing cricket, solving Rubik's cube and stringing the guitar, aspires to start a board game designing company, publish his games and also wants to encourage enthusiastic board gamers to share their ideas by creating a platform through his company. 

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